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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Mischief Mouse - craft activity ideas Craft ideas for play
Pirate themed painting activity for preschool learning and early years planning   
Pirate dog's keys!
Paint dipping, wax crayon rubbin' or pencil tracing, it be a happenin' crafty time

Talk like a pirate day

Pirate dog key painting activity for preschool learning  
Getting hold of them there keys
Send out a yell to all ye parents and get em cleaning out those those chest unlockers.

Polite filled or blank request slips, ye can of course' demand a parlay before the crew of mini deck-hand sailors head off back to their landlubber homes.

Using old keys
With wax crayons
Hide a number of keys under a sheet of paper and see how rubbing the crayon over the top reveals their position.

With pencils and pend
Trace the outline of keys and create personal designs.

In paint
To lift up the keys when dipped in paint, tie & knot short loops of string through each.

Padlock & key outline template

Padlock and key wax crayon runbbing and pencil tracing

Dress like a pirate
Left it too late to acquire ye slops? Make do..  
 paper pirate hat  - pirate eyepatch printable  

pirate eye patch outlines - role play printables

 key printing sheet and pirate dog

Pirate dog's key painting sheet
Pirate dog black line colour fill sheet


Printing pirate treasure chests
Print and cut out any number of pirate treasure chest images, fold each in half and glue to a large sheet of black paper with the woodgrain and keyhole uppermost. Make key impressions on the inside after any booty's been claimed.

Treasure chest outline templates
Treasure chest and key painting activity
Key outline painting activity sheet

Pirate activities painting poster

Parent partnership - key request slip
Parent partnership - blank key request slip

wall display and numbers
Pirate key preschool & nursery numberline  
Make a key themed resource for children to role play with, sort, match, order and sequence.

Pirate treasure chest key numberline - preschool printables

Making the numberline
Print the key template and cut out as many as needed.
Print the sheet of number discs, cut out and attach to the centre of each key.
Laminate, trim then hole punch the top and add a loop of string to hang.
Print the hook template and cut away the grey area. Allow 5cm from the long side of the paper and place the templat along the length. Trace and cut out, laminate, trim then fold up the points to form two bends and a tip that will hold the key strings.
Glue the hooks to a backing sheet for wall display in a role play area. 

Key outline template           pirate keynumber discs       key numberline hook template

Pirate numberline key outline template
Numberdiscs for pirate activities and key numberlines
Pirate key numberline hooks

Extra piratey activities

 Parrot Squawk and the monkey pirates treasure chest story playdough printables
 Anti-scurvey vitamin C snack foods - apple, orange, banana and breadsticks 

 Buy gold coins - a bounty or booty on amazon.co.uk
 pirate words and nautical terms  

Print a table top poster that prompts a story line and hopefully attracts interest.

Click to see all the craft activities