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-   -   CYP Core 3.3 2.1 - 2.4 importance of safeguarding and chilcare act summary (

Raz 01-05-2014 03:07 PM

Reassuring to read how difficult everyone is finding this course. I have the same problem with knowing how much to write. I'm doing it online and I wouldn't recommend this method to anyone as the assessor seems to be a lot less supportive than those attached to college students. I always understand the content but the questions are so ambiguous it's as if it's intended to set us up to fail :( Why do assessors also seem to think that to explain the question in plain English is like helping us to cheat? Seriously, don't do this course online, unless you have a personal recommendation about the support you'll receive.

The assessed tasks for this unit started with, "Write a brief statement for each criteria...." Then continued with statements which start with words like, "explain" and "analyse", so never going to be 'brief'! Everyone raves about the Heinemann textbook and it is useful in translating what might be required from the headings. Better than a crystal ball anyhow!

I find this forum invaluable and the above pointers are such a help!


Raz x

Chippyjo123 01-05-2014 05:45 PM

Hi Raz, I'm thankfully on the last leg now, just have to hand in two pieces re: schools as organisations....I have to admit, I'm finding it boring and I'm struggling to get motivated with it, especially with having the Xmas break. Which online company are you doing your course with? My main tutor is excellent, but when he's been off, the others are dull and didn't go through the homework. I'm dreading how much it will cost to send off my portfolio, you'd think it would be freepost. If you need any help, pm me and I'll try and help if your struggling. That goes for anyone who needs it also... This site is amazing, I couldn't have done it without this site.....thank you all xxx good luck....

Raz 01-11-2014 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chippyjo123 (Post 56310)
Hi Raz, I'm thankfully on the last leg now, just have to hand in two pieces re: schools as organisations....I have to admit, I'm finding it boring and I'm struggling to get motivated with it, especially with having the Xmas break. Which online company are you doing your course with? My main tutor is excellent, but when he's been off, the others are dull and didn't go through the homework. I'm dreading how much it will cost to send off my portfolio, you'd think it would be freepost. If you need any help, pm me and I'll try and help if your struggling. That goes for anyone who needs it also... This site is amazing, I couldn't have done it without this site.....thank you all xxx good luck....

Thank you Chippyjo :cheerful: It doesn't sound as if you are with the same online company but I won't put mine here. My main worry is what happens if I can't finish before the deadline. Had 17 months after everything enrolled and on site. On average I'm finding, even with spending several hours a week on this, it's taking me about a month per unit. Sometimes a bit less but others like this one on Safeguarding a bit more. If I try to rush then I end up spending too much time backtracking to do extra work on feedback. If I do the work thoroughly and slowly I usually pass first time. But I don't actually have enough time to do a unit per month. Need to do about 18 or 19 units and I think the optional ones are harder as more independent? So not going to finish.:sigh:

Chippyjo123 01-11-2014 07:02 PM

You mustn't give up...........safegaurding is huge so lots to write about there......keep going....Jo

Raz 01-21-2014 04:34 PM

Thanks Jo,

I'm getting there, it's just beginning to get a bit tedious. Won't give up though as work have paid for it so need to get I can get my life back, lol.

Raz xx

Chippyjo123 01-21-2014 04:48 PM

Well done, it does get boring!! I've just finished, now getting it ready to send! Started a sen course last night.....I must be mad......good luck, and if you need any help, let me no.

foreman 02-28-2014 11:40 AM

Hi Its so good to know others are struggling with this course. I too run my ow business and doing this at college but i find my tutor unhelpful at times and just wants blood!! and i have a daughter. Just not enough time in the day. I was wondering if you could give me ideas on explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people. Have given in an answer but tutor wants specifically on keeping children safe from accidents, crime and bullying, forced marriages, actively promoting their welfare in a healthy and safe environment.

lorraine curston 10-16-2014 12:07 PM

hello i'm new to this site and would like some help im just starting the safeguarding unit and although i know it in my head but putting pen to paper is impossible. please can anyone give me some hints on cyp 3.3 units 2.1 please

Ruthierhyme 10-16-2014 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by lorraine curston (Post 58561)
hello i'm new to this site and would like some help im just starting the safeguarding unit and although i know it in my head but putting pen to paper is impossible. please can anyone give me some hints on cyp 3.3 units 2.1 please

Hi, a warm welcome to the site

To help get this into perspective can you ask your setting/placement for a copy of their safeguarding policy and any other publication that they have that states/promotes how they intend to safeguard/look after the children in their care? then you'll have in your hands how important they feel safeguarding is.

CYP Unit 3.3 outcome 2 criteria 2.1 Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people

Page 115 of the Heinemann level 3 handbook on begins by saying 'Far too many children and young people suffer abuse or neglect at the hands of their parents or carers. Research shows the scale of this, and reports of children dying as a result of or accidents are all too often in the news. The statistics for the amount of abuse in the UK is worrying to say the least'

NSPCC keeping children safe and abuse statistics for 2014

There are regulations, acts, frameworks and codes of practice to research for this unit, some are newer than those listed in the 2010 level 3 handbook.

Wherever possible check with your course provider to see what documents you need to be reading.

Framework for the home nation that you work in will contain safeguarding and welfare requirements.

Recruiting suitable people and DBS (that replaced CRB) disclosing and barring service on

Working together to safeguard children 2013 on

UNCRC - the right to be free from harm and SEND 2014

Hth, best wishes

Missing-Westlife-Babe 06-08-2015 09:02 PM

Can anyone help me please, I'm doing 2.4 - describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that maybe involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed.

Thanks in advance :D

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