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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Building links with all children's settings  Home - Setting parent partnerships 
 Supporting children in all their play and learning environments
Hand hygiene activity ideas for preschool and nursery
   Children's hand washing hygiene printables

soap For children that enjoy the tactile experience of hand washing and for those who are a little more reluctant these ideas try to make water, soap and time a part of children's play, offering a positive learning experience.

Concepts to explore
soap Both harmful and beneficial/good bacteria live all around us.
soap Hand washing helps to stops the spread of bacteria that can cause us to feel ill
soap There are times when washing hands is most important

soap Vocabulary word sheets to use as language during hygiene routines and play activities

 handwashing words - hand hygiene word sheet

Words for vocabulary when exploring hand washing activities
Second sheet of hand hygiene words

20 seconds sing and rhyme, water, soap now it's time...

Soapy bubbles rub your palms and scrub their backs

squish between your finger tracks
grab each thumb, gently twist
rinse your hands so no germ's missed

extend where wanted

paper towel to dry your skin
once that's done throw in a bin

stirring fingertips - liquid soap handwashing rhyme - hand hygiene rhyme

Second handwashing rhyme poster
First handwashing rhyme

print, laminate and display
Other posters and hand wash guidance 

soap Hand washing themed activities
soap   Practice techniques by washing plastic and wooden blocks in soapy water filled trays
soap     Play with the tactile quality of solid soap in water trays
soap   Source pump dispenser bottles to add to water play - ask parents for spares
soap   Trace around hands and use the shapes as a base for highlighting the importance of hand washing eg:
soap   Design germs - harmful and beneficial on paper
soap   Mark-make with white soap on black handprint shaped paper
soap   Clean mud or whipped snow activity           
soap   Source short rhymes/ songs that help to pass the 20 - 30 seconds needed to lather up & rinse away

Click to visit the Department of Health fo this poster download
Hygiene guidance from health protection agency UK
Happy hands are clean hands - download posters 1- 4 from wash your hands of them.com Download the recommended hand washing technique
soap Timer countdowns - a large wall mounted stopwatch helps to raise awareness of the time involved with 20-30 seconds and the duration of handwashing for those that thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Learning opportunities also includes interaction with the formation of number shape and sequence.
H&S policy & procedure might involve wiping clock faces along with all other washroom or toilet surfaces using anti-bacterial wipe/cloth & spray - ecoleaf by Suma    
Clay handprint soap dishes
soap Use handmade clay soap dishes to hold a squirt of liquid soap and solid/liquid soap if at home.
Invite children to match hand to hand and so pick up the soap for hand washing.
Resources needed - air dry clay and acrylic paints to decorate.
Finish with an adult applied coat of polyurethane varnish in a well ventilated area. This helps to ensure the clay is water & soap proof. If you've links with a local potter or pottery ask if you could use clay that can be glazed and fired.
Varnished clay handprint trays for liquid soap and hand matching

soap  Meeting children's needs and parental references can mean thinking about sensitive skin, allergies, eczema, veganism and thoughts about animal tested products, different products to buy, individual mobility and access.
Tap water extender
soap   Water flow extender
soap   Sink step  
soap   5ltr sensitive soap from Suma's Ecoleaf range - on amazon.co.uk

soap Play resources for exploring colds, germs and hygiene                 
soap Bear feels ill - by Karma

soap Finger play and hand rhymes books on amazon

soap Rhinovirus plushies put a germ shape to the children's common cold experiences ..
 amazon affiliate link

soap Sequence of washing interactive game - Bobinogs on BBC.co.uk

soap Magnifying glass and microscope for science play area

soap Black light and flourescent pens to demonstrate how some things aren't always visible to our eyes.

Lead hand washing image (c) istock David Hernandez

soap Reference sources

The recommendations throughout this page are based on European and UK guidance

soap 2013 pg 10+ Norovirus prevention of cross infection in childcare settings - ECDC.europa.eu PDF

soap 2010 Guidance on infection control in childcare settings poster from the Health Protection Agency
soap How to wash hands and five moments for hand hygiene in health care - WHO

soap Beneficial bacteria - Probiotics V Prebiotics on BBC.co.uk

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