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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Magical Mammoth - recipes, edible and to play with ..  Playdough activity ideas
All new doughy activities are being published on  playdough-activities.com
  S is for snail, shell and spiral
rolling out playdough sausages is a tactile way to explore letter formation and hone fine motor skills as shell shapes are curled and coiled. Encourage role play, imaginative language and the collection of leaves for the dough snails to munch on!

Snail playdough activities
snail Resources needed

A quantity of dough  - playdough recipe page

Snail foot bodies, rhymes and letters

Laminate to prolong the printable's life

s is for snail rhyme

s is for snail with a curling round shell
one single foot and a silver white trail 
moving on pathways we follow it slow
can I ask little snail ...  are you eating leaves as you go?

dough letters rhyme
Can you find an e that appears in see, can you find it also in the word that is me?

curl up an s and zig zag a zee what other letters might there be?

 have fun with the dough as it's moulded into letter shapes
 snail Printables for this activity
 Coloured snail foot  images 
   Snail foot outline templates
   The word snail, snail rhyme and letter rhymes - additional dough letter and number mats

Coloured snail bodies for playdough activities
OUtline snail bodoes for colouring, markmaking and dough play
Snail rhyme - letters e and s
snail body part naming  Anatomy of a landsnail on wikipedia
 Snail trail storybook  amazon.co.uk

All new activity ideas for dough are being added to playdough-activities.com


Please click to return to all Magical's playdough activity titles ..