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cward 04-06-2009 07:32 PM

CCLD 308 Promote children’s well-being and resilience - unit 308.2 1 to 8 performance criteria?
can anyone help with this one

p.c 308.2

1. provide a calm and accepting environment which allows children to experience and express their feelings safely.
Be consistent, in control of yourself, don't change rules, boundaries or expectations unnecessarily. Keep noise levels within the limits of the activities happening, have quiet areas availabale, be discreet if a child indicates they want to tell you something they are concerned about sharing, don't judge or be biased, don't show that you side with one child over another, be fair, ensure children know everyone works towards resolving conflicts, don't be so busy a child is unable to approach you or ask you something. Be a positive role model. Know greeting and goodbye times to ensure a sense of belonging is valued at the start & finish of your day.

safe environment thread

2. encourage chidren to try new activities and experience
Invite them to take part, extend your hand for guidance, smile to show you're positive about the activity/experience being there, reassure anyone who feels uncertain, let everyone know about the activity, let them see, feel and explain what's involved with it, share the excitement of something new, raise awareness of risks, be prepared to go first, alongside or as a group, congratulate every step of achievement where challenge/difficulty is present.

3. positively reward childrens efforts and achievements
Smile, maintain eye contant, congratulate, yayy, clap hands, high five, offer a g ift - sticker/certificate maybe, display work, share accomplishments with peers, staff, parents

4. support children in managing failure and disappointment
Be able to explain that it's ok not to succeed a first time, second, third or fourth, be positive about trying again, offer close support with physical and verbal intervention - hand holding for guidance, slow body movements for greater precision, use words to describe actions, events and the outcomes - you did it, that bit was slippery, it is messy, you did really well. Adapt resources if necessary to differentiate/enable alternative ways to participate & succeed.

5. help children to predict, recognise and accept consequences of their action
use words and actions that identify hazards, use narrative to tell a story that enables children to make forecasts or predictions .. xx is riding on the police car, xx is coming towards him on a racing car .. what happens if no-one stops?
Plan sharing & turn taking activities that explore what ifs, source a number of same resources where the youngest children can access toys of interest that do not always result in them having to wait for a go.

6, help children support each other though challenging activities and achievements
Encourage cheering and methods of congratulating. Share observations to raise awareness ' xx threw that ball up high, he looks sad that he didn't catch it'.. 'if you were sad what would make you happy again?' invite times of consolation, empathy as equally as celebration.

7. demonstrate acceptance and respect for children's individuality
Be patient, listen to what's said verbally, facially and through body language, challenge discrimination, don't allow negative remarks to go unchallenged, be agreeable where culture, views and perspectives differ. Be able to explain that one person's way of doing something is as equal to another's way of doing it. Outcomes may differ, what we hoped to achieve is what is seen as potential success or failure. Make statements that support diversity - ' we all do things differently' 'we all like different things'.

8. demonstrate honesty and openess in interation with children
Be flexible, welcoming and consistent with the children, know that everyone likes to feel they are wanted. Recognise aggression and confrontation from yourself and children. Tell them the truth, in ways they understand, if you don't know something don't hide the fact, let them know you can both find an answer together. If you disagree with something, identify why before adding a personal or professional perspective or understanding.

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Amazon book search for NVQ lv 3 CCLD candidate handbook

DIDUTHIE 12-12-2011 07:40 PM

What Is The Point In This Site No One Replys And Its Not Helpfull

Ruthierhyme 12-13-2011 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by DIDUTHIE (Post 43234)
What Is The Point In This Site No One Replys And Its Not Helpfull

Hi, I'm so sorry you feel this way. If you've posted here in response to the first post, the information requested for NVQ ccld unit 308 is performance criteria and practice based, ideally it should be observed by your assessor when they visit you at your setting, placement or when they arrange a time for discussion, to talk about your professional practice.

This is a member thread dating back to 2009, to try and help future readers I've added a few ideas to the first post that I hope assists readers source additional information should it be needed for written tasks.

Best wishes

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