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amina 07-18-2011 04:25 AM

describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change
hey can someone give me some points on how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes changes?

thank u!!!!

Sam_oneill 07-18-2011 05:57 PM

This is what i wrote, not sure if its any good yet as i havent had it marked yet.

Hope it helps a bit x

You should never ignore or excuse such discriminatory behaviour any more than you would ignore or excuse someone if they inflicted physical pain on someone else. Must be addressed because if you do not respond and just let the incident pass you are contributing to the person feeling that it is acceptable to speak or behave that way.
To promote change you need to change people’s attitude toward other races, sexuality, religion etc. We try to educate our children in school about different culture, disabilities by doing things like having time so that children can share their experiences with each other, and encourage them to think of other people’s feelings and share different options with each other and also give them the opportunity to think about what it is like foe other people and ask them to think about themselves in other people shoes

Ruthierhyme 08-09-2015 11:14 PM

SHC 33

Ways to challenge discrimination and promote change:

1. As a professional you know how to recognise discrimination from colleagues, other adults, in children's communications, play and in resources eg. books

2. As a professional you know that discrimination is unlawful - Equality Act 2010

Every early years framework and your setting's policies and procedures will expect you to work in ways that recognise and challenge, question acts of discrimination.

3. Don't ignore discrimination, be calm, assertive and confident knowing that by acting as quickly as possible you protect children's rights (article 2) and you uphold the law and best working practices by being inclusive and using an anti-discriminatory approach.

4. Understand why discrimination might be occurring.
Where necessary point out anything that is untrue, give the correct information and new vocabulary to guide what they say in the future.

Help the child learn from the situation, to see any consequences of their actions and to understand why their behaviour is regarded as inappropriate - ask how they would feel.

Ensure the child isn't left with the feeling that they are personally disliked for what has been said or done. Explain it is the the words and actions that are not tolerated.

5. Provide support to any child or adult that experiences discrimination or prejudice, reassuring them and helping to maintain self-esteem.

6. Always follow the guidance your setting has for challenging discrimination - file reports, give statements as required.

Quote from page 26 of the childcare level 3 workforce handbook

Challenging discrimination

We have seen that discrimination and prejudice are contrary to the aims of supporting the development and progress of children, and we must challenge them when we encounter them. Either children or adults may express prejudice or behave in discriminatory ways. If this happens in your setting, you should have strategies to challenge what is said or done.

It is important to support anyone who is the object of discrimination, but you should also try to help the person who is speaking or behaving in a discriminatory way to change their behaviour for the future. This is a demanding aspect of practice, and needs careful thought.


Children are influenced by the adult world around them at home, in their local community and in the media and can acquire stereotyped and prejudiced views, at a surprisingly young age. Even the under-fives sometimes behave in discriminatory ways, making hurtful remarks or excluding others from play because of some aspect of their individuality - gender, ethnicity, family background, disability or appearance.

Don't think of name calling such as "fatty" or "four eyes" as a minor or unimportant matter and dismiss is a merely teasing. When it is repeated and done with intent to hurt, it becomes bullying or harassment. Some adults play down what they see as 'just toughening children up for the real world' and don't intervene. But we should question why a child should be expected to endure comments that undermine their self-image and self-esteem and be ready to support them in facing such torment.

To read recommendations on challenging adults that discriminate search for 'intervene to stop discriminatory behaviour' page 28 in the amazon book's LOOK INSIDE preview

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Avoid plagiarism by not copy and pasting information found on the internet

AnnaSilman 11-17-2017 12:10 AM

explain how to use policies and procedures to challenge cultural practice that are discriminatory harmful or illegal

Ruthierhyme 11-17-2017 09:27 AM

Hi, you need to ask your setting for a copy of its inclusion/anti-bias/equal opportunity/ant-discrimination policy. Read through what they give you and see what it says. By knowing and following this information you will understand how the setting expects you to recognise discrimination and how they want you to respond to incidents ie. who to report to.

Best wishes xx

SindhuSree 03-10-2019 06:46 PM

hi, I really need help for my assignment equality and inclusion in child care settings.
1.1 explain why it is important that equality and diversity are promoted in children's and young peoples settings.
any one please help me

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