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michp21 03-17-2006 10:24 PM

Planning ideas for transport please!

Im new and still not really sure how this works but im planning an Early Years transport topic and wondered if anyone had any good websites to suggest or ideas/ HOPE SO!

Thanks1x:duck: :rotfl:

Ruthierhyme 03-19-2006 12:18 AM

Hi :cheerful: and welcome

Depending on the type of transport you're introducing and the learning you're hoping to gain, these links may help xx

In the air
Airplane and Glider
Hot air balloon

On the land
Fire truck
Cars and Taxis
Bicylces - motor and pedal
Diggers trucks bulldozer forklift
Motorised lawn mower

On tracks

Over and under water
Canal barge


Horse, donkey, mule, camel, dog sled

Exploring the jobs that transport does eg.
How refuge lorries collect waste and recycling, an ambulance will visit and if necessary take us to hospital.
A car transports us to friends, family and takes us shopping
Boats take us out to sea, down a river, to the arctic

Ideas for transport themed activities

5 construction vehicles number rhyme + printables

bumper to bumper book - on amazon this is a great read. More storybooks with a transport theme are listed on this page - transport stories

Various transport line drawings / outline templates can be found here and can be used for mark making, collage & colour fill activities.

Use the setting's sit N rides for whole body physical play

Road safety activities

Plant pot rocket, space shuttle building have a good selection of railway safety resources

Jean Warren
has a great Transportation theme if you scroll down the page a little.

Best wishes

Patsy 03-20-2006 12:31 AM

What about horses and carts.They used horses to deliver milk.pough fields.Tow canal barges.Shire horses are still used as dray horses.The cavalry are transported etc.with horses.Stage coaches etc.Used to deliver fast mail.
Transport through the ages could be used as part of the theme,land,sea and air sections.
Even the pigeon was used as transport to carry important messages.

Ruthierhyme 04-25-2014 12:21 PM

Raising a dated thread!

A few adds for anyone looking to promote road safety, driving, onroad and offroad vehicles in their setting

Road safety week resouces from

Resources from CAPT

Links and information from ROSPA

Paint & collage activities onsite and transport outlines

If a trip out is a possibility this page identifies transport museums around the UK -

Playdough diggin riggs are a great for malleable doughs -
basic dough recipe onsite

Transport planning early years songs on big eyed

Steering wheel - sit and ride cycle - fuel pump

Please add on with your most successful child liked resource ..

prouddad 02-04-2022 07:18 PM

Do you think a 4-year-old would be too young for go karts like here?

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