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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Book titles for children's play, learning and development .. Storybooks for children's home, preschool and nursery.
promoting language rich and positive image filled learning environments

The world and Conservation picture books
Empower children with knowledge of the world and how they can influence what happens to it.
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 One world together  
 My world, your world  by Melanie Walsh
 The differences and similarities of people across the world.

One world together
My world our world
 10 things I can do to help my world by  Melanie Walsh
 A wonderful title for children's empowerment, awareness of the world around them, actions and the impact daily routines have on the environment - Forum thread
The trouble with dragons  By Debi Gliori
10 things I can do to help my world by Melaine Walsh
The trouble with dragons - preschool world awareness
That's why we don't eat animals + the need to reduce  animal agriculture
 Where's the starfish
An interactive, almost textless book that explores the waste and pollution in our seas
That's why we don't eat animals
Where's the starfish - find  ocean creatures amidst the waste and rubbish
George saves the world
 Sally and the Limpet by Simon James. Caring for the beach and its wildlife is a good way to stay aware of what's happening with our coastal environments.
George saves the world
Sally and the limpet - caring for the beach and its residents ..

 Dear Greenpeace
by Simon James

 Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel and Alexandra Colombo
 For Everyone to Share by Gillian Lobel and Daniel Howarth
Dear Greenpeace
Michael recycle
For everyone to share
 The Tin Forest by Helen Ward

The Tin Forest

World map poster

World Atlas  - Space book list - Conservation forum activity ideas
World map poster
Inflateable world atlas - early years learning resource

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