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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with ..  Recipes for children's play messy creative activities
Fluff puff foam & paint recipe
Shaving foam, poster paint & a spoonful of PVA glue creates a lovely medium that can be applied to card and wooden surfaces. Once dry the glue holds the mixture  together so that its rough, crip texture makes a nice contast to it's original form.

Shaving foam and paint recipe - messy play idea for preschool nursery children

Mixing paint and foam activity

What does shaving foam paint look like when it's dry?

click to see what shaving foam and pant looks like once it's dry

Add collage pieces like glitter and sequins to the surface of the puff paint whilst it's still wet and see what happens to the items as the mix dries.

Duck and ducklings outline template

Duck puff paint activity
duck duckling outline template

 Brown grizzly or white polar bear birthday board craft
celebrate your children's birthdays with a bear themed notice board display

brown bear birthday board craft acivity page

More resources

raft outlines page

Mark making tools & ideas

Freedom mallows on amazon - vegan marshmallows to link treats to the properties of foam paint!

Please click to return to all Magical's recipes for play ..