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Mischief Mouse's collection of craft activities for preschool and early years.
Printable resources to help support play - colouring, mark making, labelling, promoting, engaging and extending..
Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with and recipes to eat ..
Stitch Squirrel provides a little tree space for some needle and thread projects  - handmade resources to support learning and development.
Activities for math - Calculator caterpillar's activity ideas to support children's numeracy, reasoning and problem solving play.
Hope Hedgehog invites visitors to take a look through some articles of interest ...
Navigator Narwhal's outdoor - in activity ideas for preschool and early years play.

Magical Mammoth's recipes to play with .. Recipes for children's play messy creative activities    

   Colouring pasta shapes with dye

In much the same way as colouring rice for play, coloured pasta adds new opportunities to explore the dye process itself and goes on to encourage lots of colourful activities including sorting, matching, threading, craft, collage and adding pieces to playdough.

colouring pasta shapes with food dye for craft activities
Rainbow research! enjoy your choosen colours.

 Ingredients needed to colour the pasta

 Pasta shapes

 For threading - pasta wheels/Garofalo Ruote and pasta tubes

 Distilled white vinegar

 Gel food colouring - on amazon.co.uk

 A5 sized Zip lock or grip seal bags
 Trays to dry the pasta

 How to dye pasta shapes

Place a handful of shapes into the self locking bag and add 20ml of vinegar or enough to wash over the pasta whilst in tohe bag without flooding it + a few drops of food colouring.

Seal the bag securely then move the pasta around to absorb the dye.

Let the bags stand for 10 - 20 minutes occasionally shaking to redistribute the liquid.

Once ready, snip a corner of the bag and drain away all excess fluid.

Spread over a baking tray and dry in a warm oven - 50c

Dried and coloured pasta shapes

Additional resources to enjoy your pasta

 Cord laces for threading amazon.co.uk

 Bowls for colour sorting

 Playdough-activities.com ideas

Threading activity using pasta shapes

These sheets are also available on the colouring rice page.

Use the printables as word prompts and for colour matching / sorting activities. Cut out the circles and place in the bottom of shallow dishes or on a tray for the rice/pasta to be placed in with fingers, scoops and tweezers..

rainbow colour sheet - outline rainbow printable - colour name discs

Rainbow colour names
outline rainbow colouw names poster

Colour name printables for sorting and matching activities

Please click to return to all Magical's recipes for play ..