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springnat 11-14-2008 07:03 PM

effects of discrimination on individuals children and their families
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Find focussed support for this criteria and unit here - SHC 33
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can anyone help I am stuck with unit 305 K3P235: the effects that discrimination might have on children and their families culture, religion, gender, disability, sexuality and race?

Please Thanks:hissyfit:

janeb 10-18-2009 04:51 PM

Try this link - - NuttyNik answered it very well.:thumbsup:

If not, do a search (top right of the page, next to the teddy and postbox!) for discrimation or the k number and hopefully it's been answered by someone on this forum at some time. If not, let us know and we'll try again!

kris 03-02-2012 08:17 PM

1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination

Effects include isolation, possible exclusion, demoralisation, marginalisation, situations where self-esteem, confidence and resilience have the potential to be damaged.

Forms of discrimination are gender, age, disability, sexuality, race, culture, religion ,poverty, education, personal features and English Is not first language. .

In our children's centre we promote equal opportunity and we respect all the children and their families. We help children with language needs where English is not their first language which helps to ensure they can settle and adapt to our setting. Example (reading and singing in their language, books and talking with parents to find words we can use)

Discrimination against any child regardless of their needs can make them feel isolated and different to other children. Very often children with special needs have a very difficult time trying to fit in with other children especially if they are in a mainstream school. All children can be very unintentionally cruel to one another and should be helped to understand that everyone is different and how this is good. Example: In our setting we promote inclusion and we treat everyone the same and explain to other children “we are alike but different.”

There are four areas of potential for the effect discrimination has
Physical- Signs of poor health may manifest. self harming, attempting suicide, cutting, etc. Bullying might become physical and other types of abuse.
Emotional - Emotional scars seem to run deep and are not healed easily. Could become to believe that persecutors are right, leading to a loss of self worth. Could lead to physical signs of trauma
Social - lack of friends, social exclusion, no one to talk to about interests or plans for now and the future. Being treated as though someone doesn't belong. Could lead to more emotional harm, physical harm, intellectual harm, etc.
Intellectual - Not wanting to learn, withdrawing from places of learning. Not wanting to be around others unsafe behaviors

The CYPW Level 3 handbook - unit SCH 33 has more help

Avoiding Plagiarism - do not copy and paste information and submit the work as your own

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What it feels like to be discriminated against and the impact discrimination has on individuals

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