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little-missConfused 11-22-2012 09:27 PM

Demonstrate how to establish communication and language needs
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Find support with this and other criteria from unit SHC 31 here
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hay im new to this so dont really know how it works but im stuck on the question for outcome 2.1 for Level 3 CCLD and was woundering if anyone could help as iv seen the same question further up...

"Demonstrate how to enstablish the communication nad language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals"

i havent started placment yet and my tutor's not much help and i feel like iv hit a birck wall :banghead:

any help would be amazing and much apprechated

thanks :With love: x

kylatig 11-24-2012 10:31 PM

hi is this for unit 051?
i had to demonstrate in my placement and i wrote.

Everyone has a slightly different style of communicating this is one of the things that make every individual unique.
As we know communication is a two-way process and effective communication requires everyone involved to be able to express their own thoughts and messages and to understand the communication of others.
In a way it is our job to ensure that we find ways of communicating language needs, preferences can be quite wide ranging, someone may require an interpreter or signer or someone else may need communication to take place in a quite environment and at a slower pace. We had a little girl who’s first language was welsh and luckily I am fluent and was able to assist her a lot in communicating with others, also we now have a parent who has partial hearing loss and I ensure that the environment is quite when we talk.
When working with adults, we can ask them directly how to accommodate communication or work out for ourselves that a person cannot speak English. My twins have a friend in school who is Turkish and their mother struggles with English, we communicate by using Google translate on our mobile phones. It is also important to establish a level of formality required as not everyone wants to be called by their first name, some will prefer to make appointments rather than just “turn up”. It is also useful to be aware that written communications can be daunting for some people, a home-setting link book is a good idea, but you must check that the parents or carer’s are comfortable with reading and writing.
With children it can be challenging to decide the best way to communicate, for example babies and young children will still be developing speech and so talking alone will not work. This is why we use facial expression and gestures to point at things, so that a baby or toddlers are more likely to understand what we are trying to say. We also need to learn to interpret what a baby of toddler is trying to communicate when crying or what a toddler is trying to express when gesturing to some objects.

flashers 07-15-2014 10:08 PM

Helpful post - thank u

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