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amina 05-16-2011 05:52 PM

different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes
please can someone tell me Explain how the different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where
development is not following the expected patterns? please help!!!

tinajpatterson 05-16-2011 08:09 PM

CYPW level 3 handbook on

Close observation
tracks and monitors children's development so that we can see how things are progressing. Having records help us to identify times when development is not following expected patterns and enables us to intervene to support the child.

Parent Partnerships having discussions with parents, carers and guardians makes sure children's development is supported at home and in the setting. Having an open door policy means parents can speak with their child's key-person or staff whenever they have a concern or would like to share information with us.

Plan-Do-Review is a strategy that helps the room leader/planning officer or child's key-person plan specific activities that support a child's area of development. 'Do' is delivery of the activity where children take part. Reviewing and evaluating what happened makes sure we can see if the activity was useful, if it helped in any way and if it needs to be changed for another time.

Services in the setting and outside the setting include:
Speech and language can help children overcome most of their problems. By helping children gain the ability to use language they can help children gain confidence and self esteem I have seen this in my setting with children who have had communication and language needs. These children have gained confidence and their language is now at a level that they can interact with other children and not show frustration. This is because they can now express themselves.

The Senco in an educational setting give support to children and families with special needs this person/s is also responsible for identification of special needs.

Additional learning support staff works within and outside schools providing a range of services to help children who have certain specific educational needs. This might include people like teaching assistants or advisors to provide support and train staff.

Youth justice this is based on children with behavioural problems these people will work with them and social workers to help them.

Social workers are there to help vulnerable children and young people and their families this might include children on the child protection register or disabled children.

Psychologist is a professional who helps support children who have learning or behavioural difficulties. They provide teachers and practitioners with aimed support programmes for that child once they have identified the child’s needs.

A specialist nurse provides support for the family and child especially if that child suffers from medical conditions that need specialist care Also health visitors come under this title for measuring and assessing a child’s development .

A psychiatrist is a doctor who is trained in mental health problems this person works alongside other professionals to help diagnose or support children and young people with mental health problems.

Physiotherapist this professional help children with their movement especially those who have little or no movement they are trained to get the maximum movement and skill level. Referrals can take the shape of common assessment form which are filled in then in my setting passed upstairs to the health visitor, speech therapist or other health professionals that are required after being checked by the senco in the room.

Speech and language also have their own referral forms which will be filled in and checked by the senco before being passed to the speech and language therapists.

Early years action plans and plus plans are filled out and passed to the senco who will then speak to an education psychologist. With primary and secondary schools they also have school action plans which will be run through their senco and the school run individual learning plans.

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