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Jenna 06-03-2011 08:34 PM

Unit 5 CYPW
Find help and support with Unit 5 / CYP3.5 here

Hi guys, am really stuck on this question..

Evaluate own effectiveness in building relationships with children

What kind of stuff am i needing to write for this?

Heidi 06-03-2011 09:13 PM

It's in the question 'evaluate' - judge/think about your effectiveness/performance in building relationships with children?

So what do you do to build a relationship up with children? and does it work?

If you shout at them, huff, puff, sigh and grimace at them - would this build a positive relationship?

or do you get down to their level, smile, listen attentively, act upon what they tell you, respect them etc...

if so, now think about how effective/ whether your way of going about building relationships work.

So you are being asked to reflect and evaluate how you perform and whether it is effective/works or not effective or not working.

The answer will be personal to you as you are being asked about how you go about this.

It's all about asking you about your practice and encouraging you to become a reflective practitioner, constantly striving to become a better practitioner.

Jenna 06-03-2011 09:15 PM

Thankyou for your reply. Am i required to give examples of situations? Or activities? Individual children or groups of children?
Or should i just answer as a general question of how i deal with certain things such as when a child is not doing what i say?

Heidi 06-03-2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jenna (Post 38027)
Thankyou for your reply. Am i required to give examples of situations? Or activities? Individual children or groups of children?
Or should i just answer as a general question of how i deal with certain things such as when a child is not doing what i say?

I don't know in what context you are being asked for your diploma/levels/units etc, but I should imagine that your assessor will always want an example.
If you put what I have just written, or lifted the answer from a book, this proves nothing to your assessor except that you can copy, that's why a personal example of '......when settling new children into the setting, I always.......I find this comforts the child........focussing on an activity such as gluing......' by giving an example it shows you understand the question. the assessor will not mind you lifting the answer from a text book (she'll be glad that you are reading and researching) but she'll want to know how you put it into practice.

With every question/statement/key (whatever you call them) give your assessor an example and you can't go wrong.

Jenna 06-03-2011 09:27 PM

Many thanks, that has really helped :)

kerry-lou 03-06-2013 04:05 PM

hia im doing CYP Core 3.5 - 1.3 for a professional discussion.

would this answer be ok or do i need to add something else?

When evaluating your own effectiveness, it is good to remember and use the reflective cycle; description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. For example, a child came up to me on the playground saying he had been scratched on the face by another child. I thought that the child who had done the scratching, plays a bit too rough some times so perhaps it was an accident but either way I needed to hear both sides of the story. I got down to the children’s level to speak to them about what had happened. I put both children in time out to think about what they had done. If it happens again I will read through the playground rules with the children involved.

shak28.4b 04-30-2014 01:40 PM

I Talk to the young people i look after on a level where i am clear in what is asked from them and told. If the young person is smaller then me i would not look down on them but come down to there level of height so i am not intimidating, so the young person can talk to me comfortably. Always smile thinking with a clear head and try to be a few steps ahead of the young people if you know them and outcomes of situations that can arise.

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