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Ruthierhyme 04-04-2008 11:53 AM

Preschool Game: Lets be beans game ..
These suggestions are for the Children to play and act out the bean's attributes !!

Include music where & when you want, play outside or in your playroom and make it as physical or relaxed as necessary :cheerful: This is quite a long list, use as many or few as you want ..

The Bean Game

Jelly Bean - wibbly wobble
Broad bean - arms out to the side with slow and heavy movements
French Bean - stand with hands on hips and say 'o la la' - or call out Un, Deux,Trois
Jumping bean - jump up and down.
Baked beans - we stand with arms out and head back .. soaking up the sun.
Bush Bean - Australian outback .. trek wearily across the hot ground ..
Runner bean - running on spot.
Baked bean - lying on floor flat out fanning self as if sunbathing.
Butter bean - skating and slipping about.
Mixed beans - Let the Children choose which bean & action they all want to do !!
Bean pole - hold an invisible pole and look up .. straining to see how high it is ..
4 Tins of beans - is a verbal request to join up into that number of children in a group - Number of tins can vary !!
Join hands (or not ) in their tin group and call out bean names they can do in their group ..
Bean sprout - curled up bean .. growing up tall & 'sprouting

Been & Gone :D lol a nice one to end the game !!

Mr Bean - Googled from You Tube :D

For older Children you could use:
Coffee bean - Stir a mug ..
Chilli bean - fan an open mouth as if the bean is hot hot hot ...
Bean Pod - Hold arms up and clasp hands together over their heads - puff cheeks out ..

THEMES - include the game and information in these additional topics..

Growing & Seeds
Green & Colours
Healthy eating - Fruit and Vegetables
Freeflow - Outdoor, physical, PE, music / circle time fun, Role Play bean 'zone. Counting tray & beans (include transfer tools like tongs and spoons & occasionaly show the children the movements associated with the beans they are transferring - wiggle jiggle actions for Jelly and more ..

RISK: even the very large magnetic jumping beans available can be a choking hazard to younger children - assess what may pose a risk and take any necessary precautions.
Notify parents if you play any games that may have a knock on effect - include a printout of the game for parents to read about at home.

cybertwin 04-04-2008 01:03 PM

we play this all the time, came from a course years ago

they love it

Ruthierhyme 04-04-2008 01:38 PM

Oo sounds good !

Can you remember what course ?

cybertwin 04-05-2008 08:50 AM

well now you are asking, was about 6-7 years ago and think it was called tops of somthing along those lines, another member of staff went on it,
was gross motor based, and we got a huge (over £100) bag of equipment, most of which has gone by the by now due to age and been replaces. stilts, hands and feet to step on, scarves, bands to wear, stepping stones (cannot remember anything else)and this activity folder. they dont run it any more, think it was a government thing?

diane6170 05-29-2008 07:48 AM

This is such a good idea! Haven't heard of it before, but I bet kids must love it.
I like the French bean bext :cheerful:
This is exactly why I joined this forum: to get good ideas like that! THANKS

hazel lol 08-19-2008 09:24 AM

We love to play this at my setting:

Here's some more beans:

French beans: Uncurl 1 arm to side while you say "Bon jour" to the person that side as a greeting and then to the same the opposite side (do about 3 times).

Chilli Beans: When we do this one, we stand and shiver, rubbing our arms.

Shaun Bean: (the children don't get this one but love doing it!!! (however this is a favourite with the ladies!!!)) move around as though riding a horse. :rotfl:

Just a few more beans to play with!!!


Brandy 08-20-2008 07:37 AM

was the course top start i went on one and got a bag similar

cabin 08-27-2008 11:01 PM

I used to have a link to a website devoted to this activity!!! (bean games)

SomeoneSpecial 08-28-2008 07:03 AM

mexican bean-they do the mexican wave

frozen bean-they have to stay very still

i played the bean game when i was little and now at the setting i work in the children love it.

chips 03-29-2009 09:17 PM

My kids learn't this at a british holiday camp last year, they loved it, and continued to play it when we got home(all summer). My daughter had everyone playing this at her party, everyone loved it and even the parents joined in- its fab.

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