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trac3y24 06-21-2012 08:27 PM

Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people
Please can someone help!!!!! my minds gone blank. i need to write about different types of bullying and the effect on children and young people. any help would be really appreciated
thanks xxxxxx:jump:

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lyn c 06-21-2012 08:50 PM

hope this helps:

An explanation of different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people.
Physical bullying can happen to any age of person whether it is children, young adults, adults or elderly people and any time. Physical bullying can be anything that has physical contact between one individual to another and any form of violence or threats. E.g. pushing, kicking, hitting, biting, poking, choking, slapping or pinching.

The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:
• Poor academic achievement.
• Children/young people scared of walking to and from school.
• Attempt suicide.
• Truanting from school (to escape bullies).
• Hungary (due to dinner being taken by bullies).
• A child becomes withdrawn, lacks confidence and starts to stammer.
• The child becomes distressed, anxious or depressed.
• The child crying more (maybe at bed times or when alone) or suffers nightmares.
• Loss of appetite.
• The child suffers bruising, cuts, scratches etc.
Verbal (name-calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing).
This is usually done to somebody that is known to them or has contact with via friends or others. Verbal bullying is when somebody says something that is hurtful to another person to cause deliberate upset, this can include name calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing, gossiping, talking about someone behind their back, saying hurtful things about their appearance, race and colour.
It is important to note that verbal bullying can be mistaken for teasing. Verbal bullying is not teasing. Teasing is only when two people find it funny and are having fun.
The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:
• They show aggressive tendencies (just like their bullies).
• They might turn their anger inward becoming self destructive (Engage in substance abuse).
• Delayed development.
• Become depressed or anxious.
• Low self esteem.
• Lacks confidence.
• A child becomes withdrawn and isolated.

Emotional (excluding, tormenting, ridicule, humiliation).
This is usually done by somebody that is known to you or you have contact with via friends or others. When they verbally tell you things that make you feel bad about yourself, this can be by putting you down or making you scared. This may be done on purpose or without realising that they are doing or saying. They could be telling you that you are fat, ugly, stupid, worthless or wish you had never been born, it is still wrong even if they don’t realise they are doing it.

The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:
• Blaming yourself.
• Depression.
• Self harming.
• Feeling or being physically ill.
• Developing phobias.
• Induce fear/scared.
• Lack confidence (shyness).
• Mental health problems in children.
• Over eating (comfort food).
• Not wanting to go to school (clingy to people that are close to them).
• A child becomes withdrawn and isolated.

Cyberbullying (the use of information and communication technology, particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone).
When a person or a group of people that might be known or unknown to them communicates using ICT equipment (e-mails, social networking sites, chat rooms etc) or mobile phones (text messages)and sets out deliberately to upset them by making threatening, nasty or untrue comments about the person that is being bullied.

The potential effects on children and young adults that are bullied could be:
• Depression.
• Unhappy (suicidal)
• Low self-esteem
• Self harming.
• Shyness.
• A child becomes withdrawn and isolated.
Physical, emotional, verbally and cyber bullying can have the same potential effects on children and young people.


trac3y24 06-22-2012 06:02 AM

thank you very much for your reply its got me on the right track. xxxx

scooby73 03-10-2013 11:46 PM

this really helped me also,just struggling with the rest of it :bawling:

pixie25 08-15-2013 07:36 PM

do you have a reference for where you got your information ? I have to reference everything in.

CrazyCat74 11-23-2013 06:23 PM

Info is from
That info is from the book:

Level 3 diploma Children and Young Peoples Workforce Early Learning & Childcare

Penny Tassoni
Kate Beith
Kath Bulman
Sue Griffin

Published by Heinemann

playassistant 01-27-2015 07:02 PM

Lyn C

Was really stuck on this area but found your answer really helpful & informative. Thanks so much....have now completed this learning outcome, onto the next question lol!!

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