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oakleaf 03-19-2011 07:25 PM

Help with Child Dev project, Rate and Sequence?????
CYP 3.1 child development - find unit help here

I have been asked to do a child development project which is Unit 1 1.1 and 1.2 on 0-19 years
And im stuck on how to explain the difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development and why the difference is important.........:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:
any help would be great haven't got my new book yet Grrrr

wendy bob 03-20-2011 03:13 PM

hi oakleaf, some aspects of development follow a definate sequence, like physical development babies learn to lift their heads before they can sit but the rate at what they do it at will vary between each child so some babies will sit up unsupported at 7 months while others may take a couple of months longer.hope this helps and what course you doing im doing cypw level 3 diploma if you are get yourself the cypw level 3 diploma book by penny tassoni its excellent x

lyn c 03-20-2011 08:34 PM


Sequence means that there is a definite pattern to a child developing e.g. a toddler being able to walk before they can run.

Rate means the speed in which a child develops.

When a child develops if they achieve this by sequencing it enables you to plan effectively and at the right time.

When recording the rate of development it helps you to identify any concerns that you may have within the development area, this enables you to further investigate why this is happening.


aisha101 01-06-2012 12:31 PM

i dont understand that can u be a lil more specific

Ruthierhyme 01-06-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by aisha101 (Post 43587)
i dont understand that can u be a lil more specific

Sequence is the order that development happens.

is the speed that it happens.

sequence = a baby's physical development may begin with rolling over then sit up, crawl, walk, run. Another may sit up, walk, run missing out rolling over & crawling. Even though elements are missed the development still proceeds in what's viewed as an expected pattern.
rate = where one baby may achieve walking unaided at 10 months another may accomplish it at 12 months another at 16 months.

aisha101 01-06-2012 10:36 PM

Ruthierhyme thank u so much for ur reply it has helped me alot, thanks xxx

why is the difference important though???

Ruthierhyme 01-07-2012 02:25 AM

Hi, first it's good to know they are different from each other the importance is in knowing how each has it's own part to play in identifying the accomplishments of a child, what milestones have been reached and when, they enable charting of a child or young person's development to happen and provide a structure or picture that can measure where a child might be in need of support or extension.

Rate/Speed involves a time frame linked to age.
Sequence/Order involves patterns and an order of development linked to body, mobility and intellectual growth - sequence can include an order that's both positive and negative - deterioration.

Rate - what happens at 1 year old, 24 months old, 7 years old ..
Sequence - how things happen in an expected order, sequence ie: breastfed, weaned, full meals. lie, sit, crawl - maybe, stand, walk, run..

Sequence, rate or age at which an individual reaches different stages of development will differ/vary - it could be that one child loses their first tooth at 5 years old and another child when they are 8 - expected development would be that a first tooth comes away at 6/7 - BDHF the sequence of tooth loss is milk/first teeth appear, are lost, adult teeth emerge.

birth to five development timeline on NHS parental guide.

CYP 3.1 - unit 022 or - unit 1 Child and young person development
022 or CYP 3.1 CYPW PDF unit
Download all unit pdfs in zipped files at the foot of this archived CWDC page

Development thread - links and resources
Level three handbook search on amazon & child development guide - Carolyn Meggitt

Hope this helps a little more

jasmine fry 03-11-2013 09:00 PM

why is sequence and rate important???

Ruthierhyme 03-11-2013 09:33 PM

Hi, sequence and rate are important as they're ways you can assess children's development. The order developemnt is taking and how quickly they're progressing.

If you've access to a handbook and other recommended reading it'll support you with greater depth of knowledge xx

Best wishes

Understanding child development and handbooks on

kerry-lou 03-11-2013 10:48 PM

this is what i had signed off not long ago -
1.2. Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important.
Sequence of development is the order that a child develops but this can vary in each child. For example one child may start with rolling over then sit up, then crawl and then start walking but another child may just sit up, then crawl and then start walking.

The rate of development is the speed of which a child develops but this can also vary a great deal in each child. For example one child may start walking unaided before their first birthday but another child may not start walking unaided until after their first birthday.

Its important to know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps to meet the children’s individual needs. It helps you recognise if any children have special educational needs and helps you plan to make sure they are getting the help and support they may need.

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