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Madiha 03-08-2012 09:11 PM

Unit CU1571 - Promote positive behaviour - factors involved with challenging behaviour?
Can anyone pleaase help me on the following criterias?

3.1- Explain how a range of factors may be associated with challenging behaviours.

The problem is I don't know how to phrase it. Can I put put stuff down like- witnessing domestic abuse- the child or young person might feel that this is the right way because of what they are constantly seeing and this can cause them to behave aggressively?

3.2- Evaluate the effectiveness of proactive strategies when mitigating challenging behaviours.
Can I have an example of proactive strategy as well please.

Please help ASAP. My tutor says I can finish with in the next two weeks :) and I would love to as its been dragging for so long now :/

Ruthierhyme 03-14-2012 05:18 PM

for background research on 3.1 look at the behavioural factors of

• Communication
• Environment
• Power imbalance
• Excessive demands
• Boredom
• Inconsistent approaches
• Lack of boundaries or goals
• Emotional expression
• Sensory needs
• Physical Health
• Mental Health
• An individual’s past experiences
• Age and gender

For 3.2
proactive strategies are actions that are put into place to prevent behaviours from happening eg:
  • Setting boundaries and rules together, for everyone to work within.
  • Undertake event observations to help understand why behaviours are happening or what resources are being accessed in the setting.
  • Adapting the environment if it's found that any aspect triggers challenging behaviour.
  • Changing routines if any aspect is found to trigger challenging behaviour
  • Have policies and procedures in place that help colleagues deal - reactively with incidents of conflict and reporting causes/triggers.
  • Having training information that helps staff identify triggers, mitigate/minimise risks and manage challenging behaviour appropriately
Evaluating the effectiveness of these or the stategies that you have in place at your setting means to see if they work, if not why and how can they be improved. If yes, why & how do they do so well ..

If you use the search page and look for proactive strategies you'll find other threads that will help - this one contains a link to a behavioural support plan which is most helpful, for general information this unit also goes by the names of HSC 3045 - Unit 115 - CYPOP 41

Best wishes

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Madiha 03-14-2012 06:15 PM

Thank you so much for putting me on the right track. I can now complete the unit


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