Thread: element 302.1
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Unread 08-19-2010, 05:41 PM
Heidi Heidi is offline
Squirrel ~~hoards of knowledge...~~
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Heidi is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by rak View Post
Hey Heidi, thanks for the infor, was really get stuck here, so basically i need to read our policy and procedures and then do this unit?
I would have thought so. it would be pointless on your part if you wrote a fabulous piece of safety; for example you wrote that all your children safely played outdoors, but because you didn't have a policy or procedure/routine of checking and maintaining your fence, no one had bothered to have the huge hole in the side repaired - therefore there was a good chance that a child may wander off through it and you'd lost a child.

I know these seem like really obvious things and sometimes you may think it seems as if 'they' are preaching to people with 'no brains'; but if there is no policy or practice of carrying out procedures, things get overlooked, not done through time or staff shortage and no one knows who's responsible for what.

Start with your policies and that should help you with answering how you implement everything (and possibly more that I mentioned above); if as you are doing it, you see that your policy or procedure could do with an update, then mention it to your manager - it's beneficial to all and shows Ofsted that you are auditing them regularly.
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