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Unread 10-30-2022, 12:32 PM
kaneez77 kaneez77 is offline
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1.2 describe a practitioner’s responsibilities and those of others when recording information and producing reports. & 1.5 explain the actions to take when there are concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information.

To protect confidentiality, it is very important to have secure systems for recording and storing information at the nursery setting so that children's and staff’s private information is protected from unauthorised viewing. In my setting, we follow The Data Protection Act 1998, it is the right of the children, children's families and staff for their private information to be protected. At the same time, we need to ensure information is accessible for those who need to know it, for example, the staff needs to know who to call in case there is an emergency with the child or maybe a member of staff, or a medical condition. All personal information is locked upstairs in the office in a lockable cupboard, and always stays in the setting. All the children's observations are done on the iPad. All the iPads have passwords and a separate password for each member of staff to log in. In my setting, we would go to the manager and if the manager is not available then the assistant manager. In my setting, if we need to pass Information about children, we would do this with the child's parents/careers permission but if the information is going to pose a risk then I will pass it on to the manager immediately. The manager has to authorise any information that we pass on, for example, observations of a child to the speech therapist. If I have any concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information I would talk to my manager, assistant manager or colleagues. In my setting, we are really careful that no personal information is lying around the setting, but if we do see anything we must let the manager know right away. We always make sure that we fill out any accident forms right away and also get them signed by parents at the end of the day.

1.4 explain the secure systems for recording and storing information:

a. on paper

All personal records and confidential records on paper are stored in a lockable file or cabinet and are kept secure by the person in charge of the office, who in my setting is our manager. These records may include registration and admission forms, signed consent forms, and correspondence concerning the child or family, reports or minutes from meetings concerning the child from other agencies, an ongoing record of relevant contact with parents, and observations by staff on any confidential matter involving the child, such as developmental concerns or child protection matters. We also retain children’s records for three years after they have left the nursery setting. These are kept in a secure place locked up in a cabinet. All this information is stored in a manner that we can easily get access to it in case of an emergency, for example, emergency contact numbers, child's medical condition or medicine requirements etc.. would be at the top of the file. If we need this information we would go to the manager and ask her to get if for us, if the manager is not available then it would be our assistant manager. No information, whether it be a register or an observation or any information concerning the child or staff is not left lying around the nursery setting.

b. electronically

Shared electronic folders are shared only with nursery staff. In my setting, we use a software called ELog, in which we do the children's observations and assessments (photos and videos etc). Parents have access to the files and records of their own children but do not have access to information about any other child. When any staff leave's the nursery, their access to the shared electronic folders is removed and any paper records are returned to the setting. Other than when sharing with other agencies or professionals, with parental consent, staff never share any information about a nursery child outside of the nursery or save electronic files in any location other than the securely shared folders. All electronic records are kept securely and this will include arrangements such as password protection, automatic log out of screens, logging off computers and changing passwords on a regular basis, especially when staff leave the setting.

1.6 explain how to keep up to date, accurate and coherent records and reports that are legible and meet legal requirements so that they can be understood by those who have a right to see them.

It is important that all records are kept up to date to provide accurate, current, complete and concise information concerning the condition and the care required for all the children. All records that the setting holds, whether written or electronic must be signed and dated. They must also be stored correctly in accordance with that data protection act 1998. It is vital that records are kept up to date, as this will ensure that all the children's needs are being met, for example, if a child has developed allergies, or maybe the child has a new medical condition like asthma. It is very important we update the contact information regularly so that we can contact the parent/career easily if the child has any problems. All parents/carers must be involved and informed about any changes made to their child's personal records and care plan files, this may also include medical or social service records. In my setting, all the information written in files, or on the iPad must be clear and relevant and must never be discussed outside of a working environment, as this would again breach the child's and their families confidentiality. The law also states that if it’s not written down, then it never happened, so this is yet another reason as to why it is so important to keep up to date records. In my setting, all information recorded must legible and written in black ink or on the iPad. When writing we always make sure to write names and addresses using capital letters so that everyone can understand. All the information that is written, for example, an accident form would always be checked by another member of staff as well. My manager is the person in charge, who would decide strictly on a need to know basis, also whether a child’s information would be shared or not. My setting always tries to keep their website updated. Before using pictures of any children on the website we always get consent from the parents. Even in the setting, we have a list on the wall of the children whose parents don't want their children in public pictures. The personal information of children is kept up to 1 year after the child has left the setting.

1.7 explain how to balance the tension between confidentiality and openness in records and reports.

As a practitioner, we will sometimes have times when we are concerned about the importance of maintaining confidentiality but at the same time ensuring safeguarding the children in our care. We can always discuss a dilemma with our manager, assistant manager or whoever is in charge but, as a rule, we should only disclose something if we think that a child might be in danger. We should always make sure we follow our setting's policies and procedures regarding disclosure of abuse.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that “Children have the right to be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including sexual abuse by those looking after them” (Article 19). It also states that “When organisations make decisions which affect children, the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration (Article 3). We always make sure that the parents/careers have seen our setting's child protection policy which state's that information will be disclosed if it is believed a child is in any danger.
In my setting, if abuse of a child is suspected all staff are required to follow the policies and procedures when dealing with the problem. No matter what the child tells us we must never promise to keep a secret. We should always ensure that we accurately record any conversations on an incident recording form. Share any information that we have with the designated person in a confidential area. While dealing with situations like this, ensure that we receive support as situations of this kind can be very upsetting and cause great personal strain. We must always remember that the CAF is there to help us if we are concerned about a child and need to assess their needs at an early stage.

1.8 explain how ICT can support information exchange within and across the setting and external agencies and organisations.

3.4 evaluate how own records and reports provide evidence for the basis of judgments and decisions

It is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a nursery setting so that the children and staff’s private information will be protected from unauthorised viewing. We all must comply with the legislation; it is the right of individuals and staff for their private information to be protected. Also, we must ensure information is accessible for those who need to know. To protect confidentiality and to prevent identity theft, it is important that we have secure systems for recording and storing information in the nursery setting. All information about children and staff in my setting is protected from unauthorised persons. I only pass individual information on with their permission but if the information is going to pose a risk then I will pass it on to the manager immediately. Through our induction and other training, guidance, I was given the information and advice about handling information. Also through the company’s policies and procedures, I can assess information and advice about handling information such as keeping children and staff information confidential. By doing the children observations on a regular basis I can record any changes in their health and well-being, their achievements, support required, completed and uncompleted activities, etc. When there are concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information I ensure I talk to my colleagues or senior member of staff like my line manager and ensure I record it.
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