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Unread 05-26-2011, 07:19 PM
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gracygrey gracygrey is offline
Horse chestnut ~~revealing great treasures...~~
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 109
gracygrey is on a distinguished road


Do you have the Penny Tassoni book which accompanies this course? If not it would be very beneficial. It has really helped me.
Sequence of development - think about how a child develops physically and mentally from birth, rolls over, sits up unaided, crawls, walks, babbles, forms words, starts sentences etc.. there is a general sequence although some may skip some stages altogether such as not crawling and going staight to pulling themselves up and walking, older children go through puberty etc..
Rate of development is when they do it, every child is different, some may walk at 12 months or earlier some not until later, again children reach puberty at different stages etc..
Hope some of that makes sense, I am only a newbie to all this and I am sure you will get other more thorough answers from the lovely people here.

Good luck
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