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Unread 04-07-2006, 11:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Where are all the ideas for dinosaurs?

Has anyone ever followed this topic??

I have - it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!

I followed it as a way to excite the difficult group of boys I had - it certainly switched them on to learning! Initially I planned to follow the theme for six weeks! but this was extentded and exteneded!! in the end i think we followed this for 18 weeks easy!!

we had great fun mastering the names of the dinosaurs!! we learn how to identify them, about what they ate, what they did....any information we could find we soaked up!

we turned our role play area into a jungle type place, and had a tray in there with a mini dinosaur world, dinosaur masks for the children to wear, books.

we bought toy dinosaurs and sorted and matched them, painted pictures of them, talked about initial sounds of their names, measured how long/tall/wide they would be, looked at the patterns of their skin.....I could go on for hours!! :rotfl:

I think the thing I enjoyed most was seeing the boys who usually ran around causing havoc, excited and keen to learn! Their enthusiasm, got me all excited (ok it doesnt take much to do that but hey! lol) and they really did lead their own learning!!! they ere going home and coming in the next day with things they had found on the internet, pictures they had drawn ect! i'll stop rambling!

If you havent tried this theme - go for it!!!! and... if you have...would you please share your experiences!!!!
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