Thread: Piaget read
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Unread 02-06-2012, 05:28 PM
hanaaa.a hanaaa.a is offline
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hanaaa.a is on a distinguished road

I wrote.......

Theories of development – Jean piaget was a zoologist who became interested in children’s cognitive development as a result of working on intelligence tests. He noticed that children consistently gave similar ‘wrong’ answers to same questions and began to consider why this was. His theory of learning is sometimes referred to as a constructivist approach because he suggested that children constructed or built up their thoughts according to their experiences of the world around them. Jean Piaget suggested that as children develop so does their thinking. He grouped children’s cognitive development into four stages – Sensori- motor, Pre- operational, Concrete operational and forman operational.
Jean Piaget’s work is often thought to have influenced child-centred teaching in which teachers start by working out the needs of children and plan activities accordingly.

Hope this helps!
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