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Unread 01-27-2009, 11:01 PM
topaz glam
Posts: n/a

Hannahlg, that's not completely fair. Everyone needs support or advice at some point in thier careers no matter who they are.
Babe may be training or be new to assessing level 3 for all we know!

I wouldn't necessarily aim to observe all point in all those 3 units at one time!
305.3 is child protection so a Professionall discussion would work well here. There is one p.c about helping children to be aware of protecting themselves which can be observed & linked with the other chosen units. I think we should all be supporting each other & not getting personal like that. Sorry Hannahlg.

Babe, when I've observed these elements & units the best one was when I observed my candidate supporting children's physical play during which she spoke to the children about how exercise can help you grow strong. Also talking to the children about the parts of the body they were using. She also done warm up & cool down activities with they children which included her giving instructions such as 'jump up' 'touch you head' touch your toes' etc. This helped children develop awareness of their bodies.

From physical play it was time to go in & have dinner. My candidate sat with the children & joined in conversations with children asking them if they were enjoying what they were eating, what their favourite veg & fruits were & asking if the children knew why the food they were eating was good for them.
My candidate was also very aware when serving out foods which children had specific requirements. There is also a list of these dietry requirements in the kitchen area for staff to reffer to.

Before the meal children washed their hands. After the meal hands were washed & teeth were brushed. My candidate supported children's independence in doing this. It was then nap time so nappies were changed & children who were being toilet trained were asked to use the toilet.

I really hope this is of some use to you but obviously it would depend on the age group your candidate works with.
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