Thread: Confused....
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Unread 11-17-2011, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by TinyTurtle View Post
The unit is cyp3.1 ~ On mine it says that for the first submission the mark would be Pass Merit Distinction or a refer and if it was refered then it would be pass or fail, although some are just pass or fail.
I think i have just been unlicky with my assessor, and i havent had any observations done either yet.
It is such a shame as i was really looking forward to doing this course and i love the nursery i am in but am now wondering if i am ever going to complete this as im so far behind:weepy: I think i will have to take a leaf out of your book and just write too much i suppose it is easier to have too much information at least that way i can hope some will be right lol
How long did it take you to complete your lvl 3?


it took me a year to complete but at first it was very slow e.g. just getting about 6 questions answered a month because tutor did cancel a few visits, i felt that i was behind others on silkysteps that had started the same time as me as i was waiting for tutor to tell me which unit and questions to answer next, i then decided to pick and answer questions at my own pace e.g during the summer holidays where i was off work because we open term time only i completed 8 units to finish with help from kind silkysteps members, i think tutor was shoched when i gave in the work and when i give it to him i said happy reading. i was told by tutor that i could take up to 18 months to complete. will look at my work later to give you some guidance on your questions.

I didn't realise that some courses you could get different levels of marks, within my area it is pass or fail but like i said you can add more information when tutor gives you feedback on the question.

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