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Unread 09-09-2018, 02:29 PM
Tink_96 Tink_96 is offline
Bean shoot ~~Just sprouting...~~
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 3
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2.1 Explain the role of the practitioner in supporting:
a. Imaginative play
B. Child initiated imaginative play
C. Creative development
D. Music, dance and drama

Child-initiated play
In child initiated play, children make a lot of the decisions. They decide what to play with and how to play. Children also choose where to play and who, if anyone, they wish to play with.

Adult-led play
In adult-led play, the adult decides what skills, concepts or knowledge children might need and organises and activity for the children.

A. Imaginative play
To support childrens imaginative play it is important to make sure the children have the resources. This can be done by proving small word toys, and dress up. Practitioners can also support children imaginative play by joining in their play.

For example imagining you are, or pretending to be, a tree or ship, or patting a dog which isn't there.

B. Child initiated imaginative play
Child-initiated – Adults can support child initiated imaginative play by reading a story such as the bear hunt as the children may then begin their own initiated bear searches after having listened to an adult-led & read Bear Hunt story by Micheal Rosen.

C. Creative development
The children may have a basket of leaves, paper and paint left by an easel for children to initiate play.

A basket of leaves, paint & paper on a table top with an adult asking open questions about what the materials are, how they feel, the four seasons and seasonal colours.

D. Music, dance and drama
Practitoners can support children music, drama and dance, by showing them videos on it, so the children can learn about it and then act it out within their play. Practitoners can also support children by doing an activity with the children based around, music, dance or drama.
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