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Unread 08-15-2012, 04:21 PM
charlotte1001 charlotte1001 is offline
Horse chestnut ~~revealing great treasures...~~
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 115
charlotte1001 is on a distinguished road

I often struggle with this to (Mainly the describe, although it seems the easiest.)
Like for instance; 054 3.1- Describe how to respond to complaints.

(This was my answer)

I would respond to complaints by;
 Listening carefully
 Ensuring confidentiality
 Providing a quiet place in the environment
 Giving the complainant time and respect
 Recording the information
 Reporting to a senior member of staff
 Accessing the complaints policy and ensuring the complainant has a copy
 Ensuring all parents are made aware of the policy and its content on first contact, with easy accessibility always.
 Ensuring the complainant knows what will happen next.

My assessor sent it back to me and told me this is not describing! and has asked me to do it again.

(I dont quite know what else to do)
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