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Unread 06-09-2010, 08:36 PM
Heidi Heidi is offline
Squirrel ~~hoards of knowledge...~~
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 548
Heidi is on a distinguished road

Break these up and look at them separately and they won't seem daunting.

It is asking how your setting meets the needs of dietary requirements?

So what do you give the children at your setting? - chocolate cake or fruit, vegetables, crackers, cereal bread etc?

What about dietary requirements? Do you give a vegetarian meat?
or a coeliac wheat products?

How do children learn about their bodies?
How about reading a story about children growing , what is needed - food, rest and exercise? Make it interesting - measure their height, feet etc
How can you promote physical activities?
By planning and providing physical activities that children enjoy - some children like to run around all the time, but others don't, but they might like using a scooter or a trampoline.

If someone is ill or is a sen child - you adapt to best suit that child - take the activity to that child, take it to their level - they can't reach the sand at ground level? - put some in a tray on a table they are able to access with their wheelchair.

Oral hygiene - how would you encourage children to clean their teeth?

How can you provide challengeing activites for a child for their developmental stage?
You need to give them small steps, so it encourages them to try but not so they are overwhelmed and give up.

If a child has just completed a 12 piece jigsaw puzzle, perhaps an 18 puzzle will be just the challenge they need to progess - give them a 50 piece puzzle and they won't even attempt it.
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