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Unread 09-25-2008, 01:22 PM
topaz glam
Posts: n/a

all the children can sing this song or just 10 dressed as angels. 10 children have an instrument such as bells triangles (anything that can be held in the hand) or hand made instruments & bottle shakers. Where they sing the counted off to 10 each child with an instrument will then count a number 1-10 in turn (1 number each child if that makes sense). Then, for the chorus all chldren sing & all 10 instruments are played.

The Angel Band

One glorious Christams morning
Ten angel did appear
And each one help an instument
Carefully made by hand
First they counted off to ten
Playing one by one
Then they played together
In a joyful angel band.

There was 1, there were two,
There were 3 little angels.
There were 4, there were 5,
There were 6 little angels.
There were 7, there were 8,
There were 9 little angels
10 little angles in the band.

Oh, wasn't that a band, Chrsitmas morning,
Christmas morning, Christmas moring,
Wasn't that a band, Christmas morning
10 little angels in the band.
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