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Unread 12-06-2009, 09:28 PM
WendyW WendyW is offline
Duckling ~~always taking the plunge ...~~
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 31
WendyW is on a distinguished road

Hi, I remember feeling exactly the same when I started mine. I was given the unit, had a brief explanation of how to do it, then was left alone with it. I just didn't have a clue where to start and what was expected of me. I worked with a girl who had completed 1 unit, so she let me have a look at her file, not to copy, but just to see how to go about it, how to lay it out, how she approached the unit etc. Once I had seen how someone else approached it, I just seemed to sink in and I immediately understood what to do.

I have a new assessor now, and when I open a unit, she spends a full session just observing me and she cross references what she has observed me doing. From there i can see what is left for me to work on.

I work in a room with another keyworker and she provides me with witness statements that I cross reference as much as I can. I put in as much work samples/evidence as I can - these may be policies, photographs, etc. I write up reflective accounts which also covers a lot. But the most of my file is made up of other peoples writing (I mean direct observations by my assessor and witness statements and work samples), there is very little writing from me. I cross reference a lot of the knowledge to the performance criteria and the more you get into it, the more confident you will be to do this.

I have a good assessor, and she does not want to see lots of writing from me or questions and answers. Thats why she observes as much as she can. I may write 1 or 2 questions and answers, but that is if I can't prove them in any other way.

Once your first unit is out of the way and signed off - you will know what to do with the other units and you will find it easier. You will receive feedback from whoever signs your unit off and this will give you direction for your future units.

Also remember that some units cross reference too, so it makes sense that if you have a mandatory unit open, have a look if any of the optional units cross reference to it. I opened 303 with 309 and 310 as they linked in with each other. Now I have 345 and 346open together (numeracy and literacy).

Good luck x
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