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Unread 04-07-2006, 11:08 PM
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Default Which is your favourite book?

hello everyone!!!

I LOVE books and reading to children!!! I just thought it would be fun to hear about other peoples favourites!! What was your favourite book as a child and which one is your favourite to read to the children now?

When I was a child I loved so many!! but my favourite had to be Georges Marvelous Mediceine!! lol Mr Dahl is a genious! I loves reading about George going to the shed and mixing up that concoction! What a delight!! I always dreamed about what I would mix up in my own, who I would give it to and what it would do! But that my friends is a story for another time!! :rotfl:

Now.....O my there are soooooo many! erm....... erm......which one to choose? lol

lol ok at the moment it would have to be......Dirtie Bertie!!!! lol David Roberts has made it possible for us all to have a god old giggle at all those rude and disgusting things children SHOULDNT but DO do!!!!! and the children LOVE calling out the refrain.... " NO BERTIE THAT'S DIRTY BERTIE!" lol and... I have to say that I bought a copy of the sequel....but felt it was maybe going a little far for nursery! lol I didnt think many parents would appreciate their children going home and talking about bottom burps and poots! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Anyway.... get thinking - which ones do you love?
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