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Unread 11-10-2020, 09:23 AM
Laura jk Laura jk is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 4
Laura jk is on a distinguished road

Understand the potential effects of transitions and significant events in the lives of children

Explain the short and long term effects of a range of transitions and significant events in the lives of children Transitions and significant events

1.1 Moving to school can affect children behaviour. Children can be scared as it’s a new environment. This can be overwhelming as child wouldn’t know what to expect. A New teacher as child doesn’t know the teacher’s boundaries or how the teacher going to be with them. The child could think that the teacher might not like them, also making new friends can be a big thing for a child especially if they already have a good group of friends this could affect their social development of being able to adapt to new people but this can also but a positive thing as it gives the child a chance to meet new people and to socialise more. Long term effects of child moving school could affect them long term and stop children wanting to socialise and also if a child has had bad experience in moving to new school then this could affect them in long term of education. Transitioning can be a mix of emotions sadness having to move to new school but then it could also be excitement for starting something new.

1.1Starting and moving through day care How a child might feel before starting a new room a child might feel anxious as its new room emotional because they have to leave and also uncertain of their new environment and the child could feel nervous not knowing the other children and staff members. When a child transition into a new room it is important that the practitioner supports the child and helps them understands and prepares them for the changes that about to happen. The practitioner could do settling session this would help the child slowly adapt to the routine and bond with their new key worker and build a bound and relationship not only with key worker but also with new friends this will help the child feel more at ease and more safe and comfortable in their new environment.

1.1Birth of a sibling could make a child feel left out because all the attention on the new baby and no longer on them new sibling can also affect child emotionally and make them sad and cry because mum having to share the time between two siblings instead of one. I think it is important to prepare a child of having a sibling so when the new baby arrives it is not such huge shock because it has been explained what’s going to happen, but also being able to balance out the attention is also very important giving too much attention to the new born can have an impact on the child and make them feel isolated and not wanted, this can also lead to the child not behaving trying to get the attention they want.
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