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Unread 03-17-2006, 11:26 AM
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Ruthierhyme Ruthierhyme is offline
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HP Sorting Hat ideas ...

Ideas for using a 'Sorting hat' !!

Magical Mammoth has a Hat template you could use for wall mounted displays.
Or for interactive hats purchase fabric halloween ones from your local store (can't guarantee they will actually talk though )

Write all the Childrens names onto labels and then put them into the hat.
If possible let the children take out one label at a time - read whose name it is and then place the name next to the allocated 'activity'!


Do you give your children any responsibilities to do on a daily or weekly basis?
These are a few ideas you could use if wished .....

Collect and return the register
Check coats and bags are hung up in the hall way
Mix the paint
Wash up the brushes
Sweep and tidy the sand tray area
Who can choose the story
who can decide a special activity
Who collects and neatens the pencils on each table.

Snack Time
Who can give out/collect the bowls
Who can pour the milk/juice
Who can choose which types of fruit the group can have for snack!

You could also use the sorting hat for spontaneaous name decisions!!

Whose turn at the Computer next
(Stick the removed name to a wall display place - so that the child is not picked again until everyone else has had their turn!)
Who gets to sit next to who!!
Hand holding partners - should you need to move from one area to another or take part in any pairs games.

If you can think of more ... post away
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Last edited by Ruthierhyme : 03-17-2006 at 11:49 AM.
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