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Unread 08-03-2020, 10:08 AM
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Ruthierhyme Ruthierhyme is offline
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Hi, you need to contact your tutor regarding the cycle of abuse and self-deprecation. These are imortant terms that you need to understand so you can write about them and your course provider will have the resources you need to do this properly (ask them for book titles and links to online resources).

Page 186 of this EYE book contains the following section:

Impact of abuse on children's holistic development
Children's learning and overall development will be affected by all types of abuse. Although each child and each case is different, the impact of abuse may be that the child;
  • lacks confidence
  • is wary or distrustul of adults
  • is unable to focus on their play and learning
  • is emotionally withdrawn and finds it hard to develop their relationships with others
  • has low self-esteem.
Use the work you've already done researching the age and stage of children's devlopment and then think about how the points above would impact on a six year old - communicationg with peers, getting to know their class teacher, joining in with learning activities.

Spotting the signs of abuse NSPCC

I hope this helps xx
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