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Unread 03-14-2020, 07:34 PM
nessieaboutpiglet nessieaboutpiglet is offline
Acorn ~~Putting down roots...~~
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 17
nessieaboutpiglet is on a distinguished road

I'd be tempted to get them to do something creative.... you could do something simple like painting with them.... maybe a Mother's Day card for them (if you're in the UK) you could google (or pinterest) some cool ideas beforehand, and ask the child what idea they would like to do- maybe hand prints or free style what they prefer.... But by offering them choices shows you've planned the activity before, and the setting can use the ideas for other children. they can also 'write' in the card, or you can write the message for them and they can do their name/you write it in dots and they go over.... goes to their written communication skills

or even doing some threading beads on a string (hand eye co-ordination) you could also count the beads or ask about colours as you are both doing it.... maybe even discuss favourite colours or if they can think of things that are the same colour e.g. the bead is yellow, so is the sun or something in the setting.

or if you know their favourite toys/games, you could do that with them.
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