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Unread 10-31-2017, 05:42 PM
voodoo8711 voodoo8711 is offline
Acorn ~~Putting down roots...~~
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 15
voodoo8711 is on a distinguished road

Ok then.

For the first one research the behavioural theory of attachement by Bowlby and explain what the theory is and how it works and then do the same for the evolutionary theory of attachment by Bowlby, Lorenz and Harlow and explain again what this theory it is and how it can relate to your work.

- this question is straight forward and you simply have to explain why positive attachments are important, do they imporve a childs self-esteem & confidence, does it help to teach them how form positive realtionships and the differenct between a positive attachement and a negative one? Try an explain how you have formed a positive attachment with a child you work with and yhe positive impact this has had on the child.

-what issues could the child face is they are not able to form positive attachments, will they be lonely? Will their needs as young children and babies be met if not how could this affect them growing up? Could the child develop behavioural issues in social situations if they do not know how to form good attachments?

-things that could present barriers; abuse, learning disabilities, living in poverty, not being able to speak the same language as others.

This is to start you off as a guide, you will need to expand and explain more than I have here and try to give examples from your workplace making sure you maintain confidentiality as much as possible.

Hope this helps xx
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