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Unread 08-10-2017, 01:13 AM
shelleyh0708 shelleyh0708 is offline
Bean shoot ~~Just sprouting...~~
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 4
shelleyh0708 is on a distinguished road
Yay plannig activities, play opportunities and educational programs

hi could you please help me on these 2 questions, I have had all my assesments and have passed them. but I have just been given this assignment which they forgot to give us so I'm not rushing to finish this off and part from the obvious just cant think of how to word the answers.

1. Explain the importance of planning activities, play opportunities and educational programmes to meet the age, stage, needs and abilities and interests of children

(part from obvious such as meeting needs, and abilities as well as planning activities to their interest and age / abilities so that we can develop and progress each child individually. giving children equal opportunities and being involved in the activities)

2. 2. Explain the importance of involving the individual child in planning activities, play opportunities and educational programmes to meet their needs and interests

(again part from the obvious such as the child knows their interest, what they can and can not do, knows what they want to do, they have their own thoughts and opinions and are protected by law in UN CONVENTIONS rights of the child.)

please if any one has any more information that I can add or research I would be grateful.
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