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Unread 05-01-2017, 04:12 PM
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Ruthierhyme Ruthierhyme is offline
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Hi page 2+ of this CYPW level 3 handbook looks at how to promote communication.

Page 3 looks at the reasons why we want and need to communicate ie. to build relationships and maintain them, gaining & sharing information, gain reassurance and acknowledgement, express feelings and share ideas & views.

The different needs of individuals might involve sight & hearing impairments, ICT knowledge & accessing technology, confidence and self esteem, cultural and family background, personality, personal preferences, literacy.

Adapting the way you communicate could then be using sign language, moving to where a hearing loop is installed, explaining jargon, speaking clearly, using phone or face to face communication instead of email or mobile texts page 176 contains a table for the different methods of communication

Managing disagreements needs to comply with your setting's policies and procedures so reading through what they say will be most helpful. page 155 explains how you're expected to show consistency & fairness, respect & courtesy, valuing individuality, keep promises & commitments, be aware of the need for confidentiality, communicate effectively, identify and sort out the conflict/disagreement

1. You and a child
2. You and a young person
3. Yourself and another adult.
Consider how you listen to the child, young person or adult. Hear and understand what they are saying, identify the problem, explain any rules or situations and work together to come to a resolution.

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