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Unread 02-08-2017, 10:10 PM
Nanotrout Nanotrout is offline
Acorn ~~Putting down roots...~~
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 14
Nanotrout is on a distinguished road

Hello, thank you for the welcome.
basically were not in rooms... we are in a church hall so all the children play together ect but after snack we do a adult-led activity, but because I don't have anything planned yet the 2 year olds join in on the other activities.

I can ask the other woman but I kind of feel embarrassed to because I feel like I should know what to do and have all the ideas straight away if that makes sence?

my boss is ment to send me a email with stuff in and I pick activities out of that but I think she wants me to come up with my own ideas.

to be honest I'm used to children 5-7 (I'm a rainbow leader which is part of girlguiding) so I can think of great things for that age but because I'm with 2 year olds I feel restricted on what I can do.

I have 3 books, CACHE Level 2, one about planning ect but nothing in that relates to what I'm looking for, and another one if I was a childminder but I have read this and I'm not finding the answers.
I do feel a little overwhelmed haha as its a very big responsibility.
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