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Unread 11-15-2015, 12:11 PM
Agoodday Agoodday is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
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Agoodday is on a distinguished road
Default Extra curricular activities STLIS Level 3 Diploma

Hi everyone
I would really appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction!
I am currently on my last assignment for STLIS level 3 diploma. The unit I am doing is extra curricular activity, I have completed questions where the assignment has asked about the codes and values, health/safety and duty of care for the activity etc. I have chosen to write about our cookery club, what throws me is the last very last section that asks me to write about "requirements for activities in the scope of the national governing bodies for sports" obviously this has no relevance to the cookery club and to be honest I do not really know much about the sports clubs and don't know where to start. I don't think it needs to relate to what I have already written about cookery etc but obviously they want me to demonstrate knowledge about sports clubs within schools.
I cant find much if any info about governing bodies for sports that directly relate to schools, is it regarding health/safety or aims/achievements? codes of conduct etc?
Can someone please help? What am I to write? Where do I start?
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