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Unread 05-20-2014, 08:27 PM
MrsSmith27 MrsSmith27 is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 3
MrsSmith27 is on a distinguished road
Unit 052 Action Plan

Hello everyone

I started my Level 3 Diploma recently and have hit my first stumbling block so was hoping someone may have some advice!

I flew through 051 but am now on 052 and have to admit Self evaluation etc has never been my strong point!

I am up to SC3 A8 Action Plan

"When making a personal development plan, it is important to consider the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. You can do this by making an action plan, like the one below. Use this to record each area of improvement you have identified for yourself and the steps you will take towards achieving this improvement."

Action Plan
Identified learning need:
Steps 1-6
Answer below questions for each step:
Action needed
What resource support will I need?
Who will help me?
How will I know when this is achieved?

My confusion is due to the table implying that I focus on one Learning need and set 6 steps to achieving this single need, but the question implies I record each area of improvement from previous question where I have four or five areas of improvement??

Am I completely missing something?? I can't complete the final 2 questions until this one is done, have emailed tutor and manager but no response as yet Was hoping to get finished off tonight whilst kids are all snoring

Thank you in advance! Charlie
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