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Unread 11-18-2013, 09:27 PM
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tinajpatterson tinajpatterson is offline
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General question 136 evaluate the relationship between theoretical perspectives and early years curriculum

not sure if I am doing this right I have to explain certain theorists and how they link into practise I have written this about Montessori do I need to write about her more or is this ok.

Marie Montessori believed children should learn with their senses first then their intellectual side she used ideas from several other theorists like Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Froebel to base her theory upon. They require good observational skills to help with planning which in turn leads being able guide and support children in learning this is carried out in our daily practise in the setting. I follow Montessori by giving the children a stimulating and educational environment and allow them to participate in their own learning without taking control just guiding the child. Montessori had principles and concepts these can be seen in daily practise like independence giving a child chance to dress themselves, observation helping to see what the child interests are how to plan and build on those so we can meet the child’ needs. Following the child so we can find out their strengths and weaknesses find where they need to be challenged. Correct the child using mistakes as learning tools we can get the child to learn if they spill water what should they do. If the water is constantly being spilled the staff can learn by watching the child and seeing were the child is having difficulties. Correcting a child’ speech by repeating what they have said but using the correct word rather than point out their mistake. Prepared mind our rooms should be set up to appeal to the child so inviting them to explore the rooms at the setting are a safe environment for children to explore and all activities are placed at child height for their easy access we have developed an environment children want to learn in. Absorbent mind we provide experiences which the children absorb giving them stimulating environments and experiences they are constantly learning whether they choose to or not so we must provide good role models.

Thanks T
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