Thread: Unit 301 stls
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Unread 08-21-2013, 09:24 PM
Rosyred Rosyred is offline
Acorn ~~Putting down roots...~~
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Originally Posted by heena1981 View Post
hi i am stuck on outcome 1.... 1.2 explain the principles of relationship building with children yp and adults

pls help :(
I wrote this and have had the unit signed off now.

In any context, the principles of relationship building with children and adults are the same. People in our company should feel comfortable. This hopefully will encourage more effective communications between each party. People are likely to avoid each other if they are suspicious of intention or they do not get along. Communications are subsequently broken down.
Positive relationships need to be nurtured and developed and do not happen by luck. They are built upon everyday with others and there are certain factors that help us maintain the positivity.
Some factors we may do without actively thinking about, others may require a little more effort on our part. Effective communication happens in many different ways and is the key factor in developing relationships with children and adults alike.
To develop a positive relationship with someone we must show them respect. We should be courteous and actively listen to their opinions and points of view. We should be mindful that adults and children may be from different backgrounds or cultures to our own which may mean they have a different perspective on issues, values and beliefs. We must always acknowledge these views and respect them. Even taking the time to remember names and the preferred way to be addressed can greatly improve a relationship.
Another factor that can help to build a positive relationship is asking about and remembering personal issues or important aspects of another person’s life. This could be as simple as remembering a birthday or asking after a family member. It shows the other person that you have listened to what they have told you and placed some importance to it.
We should also be considerate and take the time to understand that sometimes children and adults have other concerns and issues out of school that are occurring in their life. This could lead to them behaving or reacting out of character or in an unexpected way.
We should ensure we take the time to listen to others, especially if they ask us for advice or assistance. They may wish to confide in us and we should make sure we show interest in what they say and respond in an appropriate way.
If we give information to others we should always ensure we are clear on key points. This is especially important with children who may find it difficult to maintain attention. Repeating back the instructions is a good strategy to gauge what has been heard and also reinforces the key points raised.
To maintain effective communication it is important to feel comfortable and ideally relaxed. Maintaining a sense of humour allows us to see the lighter side of a situation and hopefully prevents a situation from becoming stressful. Laughter can also be a good way to release tension.
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