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Unread 04-11-2013, 01:42 PM
leason1980 leason1980 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 6
leason1980 is on a distinguished road

How would you deal with a disagreement between the practitioner and a child/young person?
To deal with a disagreement between a practitioner and a child I would firstly try to reassure the child if they were upset. I would then ask the child the explain exactly what happened without asking any leading questions so that I could build up a picture of what may have resulted in the disagreement. I could possibly give them a scenario to look at and maybe ask if they felt they did the right thing or how would ‘that’ have made them feel if someone did ‘that’ to them. My final step would be to go and inform the practitioner involved to see what happened and to make them aware that the child has informed me about their disagreement and how they were feeling about what had happened. If I had any further concerns from there I would speak to the head teacher.

If the disagreement was between me and the child I would talk strategies for example if the child was refusing to complete her work I could implement a time strategy saying ‘when you have finished your work you can go and play on the choice table’. Hopefully this would spur her on to continue her work in order to get something she wants to do at the end. I would be encouraging her at all times and supporting her in any way that I can. However, if she was still refusing to complete her work then she would be reminded of the rules and be placed on a number one for not co – operating. I would then inform the class teacher of this who will then decide what to do next. I would also ask the teacher for any help or advice on how to deal with this situation in the future effectively.
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