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Unread 06-27-2012, 10:10 AM
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spelky~brooks spelky~brooks is offline
Horse chestnut ~~revealing great treasures...~~
Join Date: Dec 2011
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spelky~brooks is on a distinguished road

If a child disclosed abuse or harm within my own school setting I would have to follow policies and procedures set out my schools safeguarding policy.

Abuse of any nature will be a very difficult topic for a child to disclose and I would have to remain professional and keep my own personal feelings aside in order for a child to feel comfortable enough to tell me. It would be crucial that I remained composed and in control as the child’s feelings about themselves may be influenced by my initial reaction to the abuse. I would show my concern for the child by my own personal approach:

* Reassure and explain to the child that they have done the right thing in telling me.
* Emphasise the fact that it was not their fault and sometimes adults do wrong things.
*Tell the child that I was pleased they had told me and I would do my best to support and protect them.
* Reassure them that they are not the only children who have gone through this and acknowledge that it was very difficult for them to tell me.
* Recognize that the child may be feeling angry, sad or even guilty regarding the abuse and that they will need support and reassurance following the disclosure.
* Show interest and make it perfectly clear that if the child wanted to chat more then I would always be ready to listen.
* Take notes in the child’s own words and not my own, using descriptive and exact words.
* Do not interrupt what the child is saying, just record and report what has been said.
* Sign and date what has been written and give it to the safeguarding officer immediately.

What I must NOT do:
* Make promises that cannot be kept, such as promising that I cannot tell anyone.
* I must not criticise or blame the abuser.
* Ask direct questions as this may be damaging to an investigation that could take place.
* Push the child into revealing details of the abuse.
* Do not discuss any matters of what the child has disclosed unless that person is directly involved with helping the child.

In the event that a child or young person discloses any information regarding abuse, the information should be passed on immediately to the Schools Safeguarding Officer. If she is not available then any concerns should be passed on to the relevant Social Services Authority.

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