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Unread 06-10-2012, 08:26 PM
discod discod is offline
Duckling ~~always taking the plunge ...~~
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 38
discod is on a distinguished road

I have three questions left on this unit them im done....everything finished. This unit is not in the book so im also finding it quite hard...tutor is useless and would never recommend the course through the company im using for this area unless they got a different tutor!!
Anyways questions are

2.4-Explain and demonstrate a range of strategies that can be used to build confidence in parents as their childs first educator

4.1-Explain culturally sensitive ways of working with parents to help them provide appropriate support for their children’s early learning.

4.3-Identify and explain support and changes needed to improve own skills and knowledge and build on their own practice

any help is greatly appreciated x
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