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Unread 06-07-2012, 07:53 PM
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gracygrey gracygrey is offline
Horse chestnut ~~revealing great treasures...~~
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 109
gracygrey is on a distinguished road
Default I am officially certified !!

even though my folder was handed in and assessor confident that all was ok, my certificate has just arrived and I now feel at ease
for those that are still working their way through this qualification and may find it hard at times, don't give up - take your time, use the fabulous people on here to get you through and for every time you pull your hair out think of the quality of care you will be able to provide the fantastic children you will be looking after
I am settling in to my new job as a fulltime deputy playleader and enjoying every minute of it, even with the steep learning curve with a multitude of things such as iep's, referrals. I am now helping my manager turning around a failing playgroup that was nearly closed by Ofsted and making it officially into a 'pre-school' with the most numbers of children enrolled for september than they have had in several years
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