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Unread 05-25-2012, 07:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Spikey View Post
I've not started it yet! I've been too busy concentrating on my other optional unit first.

My assessor came to see me on Monday - she never once mentioned about her observing me. I've got to do it all by reflective accounts. All to be handed in by 18 June.

TBH my assessor has only observed me twice and that's only because I asked her to. I get the feeling if I hadn't have done, she wouldn't have offered to do it. AND she hasn't marked her observations of me against any of my units. Maybe she'll do that AFTER I've handed my work in, so I'll be doubling up for no reason. Grrrrr

Thanks for taking the time to reply x

when my assessor came into observe me, he used to send me a written report of what he had observed me doing and the criteria that i could mark of from it, then i would put it in my folder with a page number and cross ref it into my other folder with the units that my tutor had to sign every time i completed a unit. Think they all do it differently but would have thought that you would need evidence of what criteria you have met for IV.

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