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Unread 04-12-2012, 08:44 PM
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Default isolated

Really struggling at the mo

I am doing this course through a private company, not my 1st choice but was told that no colleges in my area are running this course. I am struggling with the lack of academic support and emotional support.
Dont get me wrong my tutor is fab but I only see her for a few hrs every 2 weeks and that only became more frequent because I said i was gonna pack it all in. My other half says I spend far 2 much time doing college work whick makes me feel guilty, but then when I am having quality family time i feel guilty for not studying, gggrrrrrr.
If i had not found this site i think i would have packed it all in by now. With working full time, having a beautiful 3 year old and running a house and studying i feel totally burnt out and very emotional.
Dont get me wrong i want to do this course and know that you have to work hard in life to get what you want but it is extreamly time consuming and very difficult at times.
Anyway enough of the rant and feeling sorry for myself but a problem shared and all that.
Are any of you out there in the same or similar situation??
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