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Unread 04-12-2012, 08:12 PM
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shellyjoe shellyjoe is offline
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Poverty can have a huge affect on their development, overall poverty removes choices from peoples lives their choices are limited to what they can afford rather than what they want or need:-
Lack of finaces may mean they cannot afford to do extra curriculum activities or participate in out of school sports clubs, poor housing will have an affect on their health if not heated adequatly or their house is overcrowded so this limits their play. Communitys in poverty may not have local amenities such as play schools, mother and toddler groups, higher risk of gangs and antisocial behaviour within neighbourhood may reduce their play in a safe environment outdoors. Poor diet - leading to obesity, diabetes, higher rate of dental problems. Education - higher chance of children from deprived areas getting lower grades leading to them not attending further education - affecting future job prospects - lower paid jobs, poor working conditions, unsecure jobs.
Lack of motivation - the overall journey to better them self seems too long and almost impossible, therefore it is not worth trying.
Hope this gives you some ideas
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